Voyage Performance Analysis

Regardless of being weather routed by WetterWelt, any voyage can be weather-monitored and analyzed by WetterWelt. We store past wind, wave and ocean current conditions in a global analysis data base.

We provide a daily monitoring of vessels with regards to local weather conditions and determine the present performance figures (daily vessel speed and consumption) in relation to the wind- wave and current impacts.

We reanalyze the weather conditions along a specific route and evaluate the resulting voyage performance of a vessel. The result is provided in a voyage performance analysis, in which the vessel overall performance is compared with the charter party warranties and the quantity of time / fuel.

Post Voyage Analysis

In case that a post voyage analysis is needed for any reason, you can contact us and we try to figure out the circumstances of the voyage in best detail: from to departure to arrival along a specific route, the local weather conditions are analyzed in detail and will be summarized in the Post Voyage Analysis report. We calculate the effect of weather impact and extract the “good weather” periods as per charter party warranties and finalize the report with the calculation of time gains/losses and fuel over-/underconsumption rates of the voyage.

A different kind of post voyage analysis is provided with our “Route Analysis” we compare the effect of the weather impact along a sailed route with a different (optimum) route and provide the differences of voyage time and consumption along both routes.

Performance Monitoring

When a speed / consumption performance of a vessel needs to be monitored during a voyage, the effect of local weather and current conditions must be excluded. We provide a daily monitoring of any vessel, while extracting the effects of local weather impact and summarize the daily history of the vessel performance as long as we are authorized from your side to so. We keep direct contact with the vessel for receiving all necessary voyage data as a basis for our calculations. The reporting is continuous each day from the start to the final day of the monitoring period.