METEO PILOT as an Onboard Weather Routing- and Voyage Planning-Tool helps our captains to manage their voyage planning in an intuitive and effective way. The included daily weather data service provides accurate and reliable weather forecasts at a fair price. – BRISE
Weather Routing and Voyage Planning Software
We are aware of the diverse needs in the shipping business and offer a broad line-up of different meteorological services – partly as standard products, partly as individual consulting services. Cost-efficiency for our clients is of the utmost importance to us:
WetterWelt has developed a simple and cost-efficient weather routing software for onboard use and office use, respectively. Download METEO PILOT here and run the software in DEMO-Mode on your Computer. METEO PILOT in combination with our shore based weather routing offers a higly useful and cost effective support package for optimum performance.
METEO PILOT is designed as an onboard weather routing software on the one hand and as a fleet management tool for monitoring and tracking different voyages simultaneously on the other hand; weather based route / cost optimization based on highly reliable weather forecasts (mostly based on GFS raw data) and different speed and consumption profiles of a specific vessel (individually specified) can be done at any time by this system.
METEO PILOT includes easy-to-access global weather forecast data (up to 10 days in advance) as individual “Weather on Demand”-request directly from our WetterWelt Data-Server.
METEO PILOT includes management tools for route templates, speed profiles and consumption profiles to achieve a simple and ship-specific voyage and cost planning. As different voyages can be loaded simultaneously, the METEO PILOT can work as a fleet management tool as well.
METEO PILOT can be downloaded and installed on any workstation with following minimum specifications: screen resolution of 1024×768, free disk space of 500 MB and Windows 7 or higher on a 32bit or 64bit-system.
METEO PILOT starts in DEMO-mode free of charge – all functions of weather based route and voyage planning can be tested. A license requests can be done at any time for different periods: two weeks or monthly from one month up to one year. For more details of our pricing, please contact us via E-Mail to routing@wetterwelt.net.

- Software version including additional module for connecting to SkySails Performance Management System V-PER
- interface to V-PER Server System
- Automatic transfer of vessel data and weather forecast data
- Permanent calculation of best performance speed for fixed ETA voyages or reliable ETA-time for fixed service speed voyages
The METEO PILOT V-PER version includes an additional module for automatic connection to the V-PER. This interface allows both systems to communicate reliably: the METEO PILOT steadily receives GPS-data and calculates the optimum performance speed of the vessel in order to arrive at the next port just in time – or the best ETA is calculated, when a fixed service speed is given – always integrating the effect of forecasted wind, wave and current impact to the vessel. As the V-PER system allows to build up vessel specific profiles, the weather effect can be customized to any vessel and consumption/cost calculations can be applied individually to any voyage.
If you like to order further information or license packages for your fleet (different vessels), please get in contact with Albis Marine Performance: contact@albis-mp.com or www.albis-mp.com
What are the system requirements for METEO PILOT?
METEO PILOT can be installed on any workstation with minimum specifications: screen resolution of 1024×768, free disk space of 500 MB and Windows 7 on a 32bit or 64bit-system.
How to start METEO PILOT in SkyPM mode?
At first you have to download and install the METEO PILOT. Then you can run the software in DEMO-mode, where you can already test all utilities. If you want to run the software in full mode, then you must send a license request.
What kind of weather data is used?
The weather forecast data is mainly based on gridded data from GFS and ICON forecast system. Ocean currents are based on the NOAA Hycom-system. All weather data is monitored closely by our marine meteorologists.
How can I get licenses?
Either you send a license request out of METEO PILOT or you contact us via email, phone or the contact form. When sending the request via the program, we will contact you to clarify accounting details. If you contact us directly, we can immediately clarify accounting details, number of vessels in your fleet and all other relevant data.
After you installed METEO PILOT, we need your specific product ID. The license will then be generated and provided as file-attachment via email and can be imported by drag/drop into the weather screen of the software.
What are the prices?
Please contact us for your individual offer. We gladly offer discounts depending on the size of your fleet.
Is one license valid for all installations?
One license is valid for up to three installations on one vessel. But due to the fact that the generated license-file is PC-based, we need the Product-ID from every single installation. You can simply send it after installing the software by using the „send license“-dialog.